Monday, April 6, 2009

Scribe Molding Installed

Molding was installed where the cabinets meet the ceiling.

Side and back panel were installed. Both panels were glued at the bottom and sides where no molding is going to be installed.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Counters are Finally Here!!

All plumbing is connected.

View of handles for the drawers.

Close-up of new faucet and sink.

Installation in progress. Only one seam, but you cannot see it anymore. It blends in.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The remaining base cabinets have been installed. Dishwasher was moved to the other side of the sink.

Before installing the base cabinets a new drain line was ran to the garage so a sink can be installed in the garage. New fiberglass was installed before putting up drywall.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Kitchen Cabinets

See pictures of current kitchen remodel.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Gas Pipe - Base Peninsula

Top view looking down at existing gas line for range. Notice how valve sits about 3" off the wall and would not allow range to sit flush against back wall.

Another view of existing gas line. Long horizontal run goes to garage water heater.

Top view looking down at NEW gas line for range. Gas line is tucked inside of wall so range can sit flush against the wall.

View of new gas piping for range. Pipe is now tucked into wall so range can sit flush. Pipe to garage was dropped a little lower and moved back. This will facilitate a large water heater if needed.
Pipe tested and fastened with hangers. Ready for drywall.

Ripped out north corner cabinet so gas piping and new drain pipe and drain vent work can be accomplished.

View of installed base peninsula cabinets.
Base peninsula cabinets installed.
Base peninsula cabinets installed.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Peninsula Ripout

Base Peninsula is ripped out.

Garage door hits current counters. New counters will be same height, so garage door will be replace and knob moved higher.

Existing Base Peninsula Cabinets.